Notable Publications
Rabinowitz SS. Putting the Patient Back into Patient Advocacy. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2023 Nov 1;77(5):577-578. doi: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000003926. Epub 2023 Aug 24. PMID: 37612803.
Miller L, Cho H-G, Banayan C, Vega Lemus V, Sharma S, Wallach T. Achalasia in Klinefelter syndrome: a suspected pediatric case as well as prevalence analysis suggesting increased risk in this population. JPGN Rep. 2024; 1-3. doi:10.1002/jpr3.12084
Arostegui, D., Armaly, P., Castro Ochoa, K., Lemus, V.V., Peshimam, J., Sharma, S., Schwarz, S. and Wallach, T. (2023), Pilot Study of Ondansetron in Improvement of Pediatric Colonoscopy Preparation Outcomes at an Urban Academic Center. JPGN Reports, 4: e366.
Luo, Yan; Fu, Yinan; Schwarz, Steven; Wallach, Thomas. Comparison of Risk and Severity of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Non-Native Versus US Native Pediatric Patients. JPGN Reports (3):p e331, August 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/PG9.0000000000000331
Rosenbaum JE, Ochoa KC, Hasan F, Goldfarb A, Tang V, Tomer G, Wallach T. Epidemiologic Assessment of Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Presentation in NYC During COVID-19. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2023 May 1;76(5):622-626. doi: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000003740. Epub 2023 Feb 19. PMID: 36805627; PMCID: PMC10097471.
Rabinowitz SS, Yu L, Geraghty P. EoE behaves as a unique Th2 disease: a narrative review. Transl Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2023 Jan 25;8:11. doi: 10.21037/tgh-22-15. PMID: 36704651; PMCID: PMC9813655.
Castro K, Samant S, Liu A, Duysburgh C, Marzorati M, Singh P, Hachuel D, Chey W, Wallach T. In-Vitro Efficacy of Targeted Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols Enzymatic Digestion in a High-Fidelity Simulated Gastrointestinal Environment. Gastro Hep Advances 2022, October 2;3 283-290. doi
Kummerlowe C, Mwakamui S, Hughes TK, Mulugeta N, Mudenda V, Besa E, Zyambo K, Fleming I, Vukovic M, Doran B, Bramante JT, Uchida AM, Garber JJ, Ordovas-Montanes J, Gartner Z, Shalek AK, Kelly P, Wallach T. “Single-cell profiling of environmental enteropathy reveals signatures of epithelial remodeling and immune activation in severe disease.” Science and Translational Medicine, 2022
Zhu KJ, Suttner B, Knee J, Capone D, Moe CL, Stauber CE, Konstantinidis KT, Wallach TE, Pickering AJ, Brown J. “Elevated fecal mitochondrial DNA from symptomatic norovirus infections suggests potential health relevance of human mitochondrial DNA in fecal source tracking” Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2022
Arostegui D, Castro K, Schwarz S, Vaidy K, Rabinowitz S, Wallach T. “Persistent SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Protein Presence in the Intestinal Epithelium of a Pediatric Patient 3 Months After Acute Infection”. JPGN Reports, 2022
Castro K, Arostegui D, Schwarz S, Gandhi S, Peshimam J, Rabinowitz S, Pittman M, Wallach T. “Histologically Remarkable Eosinophilic Esophagitis Responsive to Dupilumab in a Gastrostomy Tube Dependent Pediatric Patient on Amino Acid Formula." JPGN Reports, 2022
Patel PV, Wallach T, Rosenbluth G, Heyman M, Verstraete S. “Improving Ondansetron use and Oral Rehydration Instructions for Pediatric Acute Gastroenteritis” BMJ Open Quality, 2022
Arostegui D, Wallach T. “The Cutting Edge of Gastroenteritis: Advances in Understanding of Enteric Infection” Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, 2021
Wallach T. “Automated Enteropathy: Discovering the Potential of Machine Learning in Environmental Enteropathy” Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, 2021
Rabinowitz SS, Feng L, Ebigbo N, Lin B, Gupta R, Sklar R, Grossman E and Schwarz SM, Weedon J, Gress F. Predicting pediatric esophageal wall thickness: An EUS study. Endosc Ultrasound 4; 259-266, 2020
Ahuja N, Weedon J, Schwarz SM, Sklar R and Rabinowitz SS. Applying the eosinophilic esophagitis reference scores to different aged children. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 71; 328-332, 2020.
Vaidy K, Winderman R, Rabinowitz SS and Schwarz SM. Treatment of pyoderma gangrenosum in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. JPGN Reports 1; e008, 2020.
Winderman R, Rabinowitz SS, Vaidy K and Schwarz SM. Measurement of microvascular function in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 68; 682-688, 2019.
Saghier S, Schwarz SM, Anderson V, Gupta R, Heidarian A, Rabinowitz SS. Pediatric Helicobacter pylori gastropathy demonstrates a unique pattern of gastric foveolar hyperplasia. Helicobacter 2018 Apr 25:e12487. doi: 10.1111/hel.12487.
Windemuller F, Xu J, Rabinowitz SS, Hussain MM and Schwarz SM. Lipogenesis in Huh7 cells is promoted by increasing the fructose:glucose molar ratio. World J Hepatol 8: 838-843, 2016.
D’Souza A, Algotar A, Pan L, Schwarz SM, Treem WR, Valencia V and Rabinowitz SS. Packed red blood cell transfusions as a risk factor for parenteral nutrition associated liver disease in premature infants. World J Clin Pediatr 8; 365-369, 2016.
Vo HD, Goli S, Gill R, Anderson V, Stefanov D, Xu J, Kulsum-Mecci N, Schwarz SM and Rabinowitz SS. Inverse correlation between Helicobacter pylori colonization and obesity in a cohort of inner-city children. Helicobacter 20: 64-68, 2015.
Vo HD, Sequeira J, Quadros EV, Schwarz SM and Perenyi A. The role of folate receptor autoantibodies in preterm birth. Nutrition 10: 1224-227, 2015.